
GPP-FURNITURE will address its objectives  by including the following activities:

  • Comparative analysis and evidence-gathering, studies of examples of good practices, and real life  cases of “green” tenders,  in order  to  identified  skills needs  and  competences  in  the  European furniture industry required to successfully applied for green public procurements. .
  • Development of a joint curriculum with the integration of different learning modes (distance, face to face, etc) and innovative approaches.
  • The creation of learning and training materials together with methods, pedagogical approaches and tools.
  • Capacity buildings and networking activities.

As a final result of these activities this Strategic Partnership will develop a Study Report on current skills needs for the European furniture industry to successfully apply for tenders that incorporate Green Public Procurement requirements. In addition, it will be developed a Joint Curriculum together with learning content and an e-Learning platform that will be freely and widely distributed among professionals of the sector.

GPP-FURNITURE will trigger modernization and knowledge enlargement aligned to the needs and opportunities offered by growing “green” tenders by the public administration. It will provide, assess, and look for recognition of the added value given to the professionals of the furniture industry. GPP-FURNITURE will also address transversal skills, such as entrepreneurship, green skills, and digital competences.